Još malo vijesti od našeg Karla
KARLO BARBARIĆ, 11-godišnji dječak iz Scottsdalea u Arizoni, čiji je otac došao iz Hrvatske u SAD prije 20 godina, postao je svojevrsni "heroj poštenja" u toj američkoj saveznoj državi. Naime, Barbarić je našao novčanik na plaži u Waikikiu te ga predao policiji.
Obitelj Barbarić nalazila se Havajima na odmoru, a vijest o poštenju 11-godišnjeg dječaka našla je svoje mjesto u online izdanju The Advertisera, koji je izvijestio o poštenom dječaku.
"Kada sam čuo što je učinio moj sin, rekao sam sebi; evo zato sam došao u Ameriku", kazao je njegov otac dodajući da je svog sina i kćer uvijek učio poštenju. Kako piše Advertiser dječak je otvorio novčanik u kojem je bila znatna suma novca i kreditne kartice te ga pokazao svojoj majci. Odmah potom novčanik su predali policiji.
Barbarić je dobio i posebnu pohvalu načelnika policije u Waikikiju Grega Leftcourta. "Uvijek je lijepo čuti vijest od tome da je netko napravio pravu stvar", kazao je policajac.
Foto: the advertiser
Arizona boy, 11, displays right stuff in Waikiki
Eleven-year-old Karlo Barbaric of Scottsdale, Ariz., likes math, science and social studies but admits, "I'm no honor student."
But his honesty is honorable.
Karlo found a wallet Saturday at Waikiki Beach and turned it in to police. It was no big thing to him but his father, Mike Barbaric, called The Advertiser from Arizona to report what he considered to be a terrific good deed by a young person.
"We always teach our children to be honest," said Mike Barbaric, a native of Croatia who came to the United States 20 years ago. "When I heard what happened, I say this is why we come to America."
Karlo opened the wallet briefly but didn't bother to count the cash or look at the credit cards. "I felt like a burglar opening it, so I showed it to my mother and we gave it to police," the boy said. "They called later to say they found the owner."
Karlo, who will be a sixth-grader at Copper Canyon Elementary School in Scottsdale, didn't expect a reward for his good deed. "I just feel good, knowing I did the right thing," he said.
Police Maj. Greg Leftcourt, commander of the Waikiki patrol district, said, "It's always refreshing to hear someone is willing to come forward to do the right thing."
Karlo, his mom and sister are returning to Arizona tomorrow after a week-long vacation.