Although self-taught sculptor Michael, in his artistic development, had close contact with the visual arts, which is certainly not negligible and contributed to the development of his distinctive expression.
As a young man he was fascinated by the works of naive sculptor Sophia Naletilic Penavuša from Siroki Brijeg, and later, while in Zagreb, working as a photographer for several eminent Yugoslav magazine, he often deals with erotic photography and at that time communicates with the most famous Croatian conceptual artists following and documenting their artwork on photographs. By moving to the United States, Arizona, and discovering nature around Flagstaff he devoted himself to art again but this time to the sculptures. It is interesting that Michael realizes his sculptures by direct observation of nature and empathizes in its core. In the natural environment he finds all his real and abstract forms that will be developed further in his studio. He is completely spontaneous, working without plans and sketches, and like an Indian shaman he leaves the forces of nature to guide him into the creative ecstasy. His works are often abundant with passion and unrestrained eroticism, and the whole impression is further enhanced by expressionistic colors that feel natural to him. In this way, by using ecstatic colors he complements the deficiencies of forms and boosts the power of shapes creating a work of art that perfectly communicates to the observer. The skill to read and display visual energy through the simple visual elements will be present in all his works. Michael is an artist who does not live from the sale of works of art, his works arise from an inner need, because of that he does not pander to the dictates of the market nor the public, nor does he want to fit in any kind of art frames. He is entirely independent, original, as his own sculptures, that are bursting with natural energy and sincerity.
Critique by, Tomislav Cavar Professor of Art History , Croatia